SHORT-TERM Assignment
Assessing Business Cases and Innovations: Endline Evaluation of HortIMPACT Project
EAMDA’s success in MEAL was demonstrated through the end-line evaluation of the HortIMPACT project, which included assessing the impact of 16 business cases and 10 innovations co-financed by the project. These interventions focused on improving the business activities of partners and farmer beneficiaries while promoting scalability, sustainability, and system change in Kenya’s horticulture sector.
Each business case and innovation supported by HortIMPACT contributed to improving food safety, reducing food losses, and increasing SME farmer inclusion. The business cases included promoting greenhouse vegetable production, linking SME potato producers to markets, promoting conservation agriculture and canola oil production, and promoting youth-managed extension services.
The innovations included training service providers, strengthening capacity for greenhouse farming, improving production techniques for safe produce, promoting compliance with food safety standards, and introducing value addition and storage systems in the mango, potato, and green bean supply chains.