Kenya Bovine Genetics Market Study and Strategic Plan Development
The Kenya bovine genetics market assessment was commissioned by the United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) office in Nairobi to inform U.S. agriculture experts and businesses as well as Kenyan-based bovine genetics associations and distributors on market opportunities and challenges in the sector. The study sought to map out the bovine genetics supply chain, including locally produced and imported genetics, taking into consideration key market drivers and the country’s legal framework governing import regulatory requirements and tariffs. Additionally, the assessment explored issues that influence the sector’s business environment and factors that enable supportive trade policy. EAMDA also supported
Livestock Genetics Society of Eastern Africa (LGS-EA), is a member-based organization bringing together actors in Kenya’s livestock genetics sector to develop their 3-year strategic plan.
Analysis of the Zanzibar market potential for U.S agricultural commodities
FAS Nairobi (OAA Dar es Salaam) contracted EAMDA to conduct necessary market and regulatory research and draft
- Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards Annual Country Report (FAIRS Annual),
- the Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards Export Certificate Report (FAIRS Export Certificate),
- the Hotel Restaurants and Institutional Guides (HRI guides), and
- Exporter Guide reports to assist U.S. agricultural exporters in Zanzibar
