Endline Evaluation
EAMDA conducted an end-term evaluation for the Agricultural and Market Linkages (AMAL) project in Kitui, Makueni, Kilifi and Tana River County. The aim of the evaluation was to assess the impact of the program on project beneficiaries as well as highlight lessons learned in relation to the relevance, impact, sustainability, coherence, effectiveness and efficiency of its interventions.
Feasibility Study
Undertook a feasibility study in the 3 counties of Siaya, Kakamega and Bungoma in western Kenya. The project’s overall objective is to strengthen food systems and the resilience of communities in food and nutrition security.
Feasibility Study
The assignment focused on 1) undertaking a detailed problem analysis focusing on the effects of climate change, resilience, food and nutrition security, peacebuilding, gender inclusion and legislation and policies on agriculture and natural resource management, 2) undertaking a detailed project risk assessment that among others, included social, political, and natural risks and propose mitigating actions, 3) Developing a detailed theory of change and resulting log frame matrix specifying smart indicators for the project objective and results, listing related activities, and required resources